Getting outside, a kitten and a bar mitzvah.

The pandemic took Alder and his buddies to new heights. “Biking is a great outdoor, individual sport. The adrenaline, the speed, the control… but the real reason I started biking is the community.

Getting a kitten was an awesome perk of the past year.

We did a lot of back country skiing.

I’m most proud of building a jump in my backyard last winter. We started by belly sledding downhill until it turned into a chute, then used all of the snow from the yard to keep going in the right direction.

We hiked and camped a ton. The Mt Juneau ridge is probably my favorite.

In August friends and family joined me to celebrate my bar mitzvah. Seeing family was really great; I appreciate all of their support. It’s an accomplishment I can always look back on and feel good about. It taught me that what matters is how much effort you put into something.”